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The Office of International Relations is organising the 1st International Partners' Week Celebration. The Organising Committee of the University of Cape Coast 
International Partners’ Week is calling for abstract submissions. To present your paper at the Colloquium, your abstract must first pass a peer review. Upon acceptance of your abstract and payment of registration fees, your attendance at the event will be confirmed. 

Abstract of papers describing original work are invited in any of the following sub-themes: 

  1. Internationalisation and Higher Education
  • Leadership for Internationalisation: Creating Inclusivity and Impact
  • Changing the Narrative on Higher Education through Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
  • Re-examining the Policy Framework on Internationalisation for Meaningful Partnerships in Higher Educational Landscape 
  • Emerging Trends in Students and Staff Mobility in Academia


  1. Arts, Africa and Higher Education
  • Music, Indigeneity and Heritage 
  • Colonial Legacies and Crisis in Contemporary Arts 
  • Studies in African and Afro-American Performance (Performing and Visual Arts) 
  • Music, Culture and Representation
  • Philosophical Questions and Practices in the Arts 


  1. Africa, African Diaspora and Tertiary Education 
  • Historical Narratives: Exploring Slavery and Resistance in an International Context 
  • Repatriation, Heritage Tourism and Cultural Reconnection
  • Strengthening Educational Connections: Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Africa
  • Study Abroad Programmes and their Impact on Cross-cultural Understanding
  • Pan-Africanism and Global Unity: Fostering Identity in Higher Education
  • Reparative Justice and Restitution: Addressing Historical Injustices in International Education


  1. Global Partnership and Higher Education
  • North-South and South-South partnerships: Shaping Global Collaborations 
  • Sustainable Development: Integrating Education for a Better Future 
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Global Education Initiatives 
  • Academic Collaboration: Enhancing Knowledge Exchange 
  • Eco-tourism: Exploring Sustainable Practices in Education and Beyond

Guidelines for Abstract Submission 
The abstract should meet the following requirements: 
1. Title: This should suggest what the paper is about 
2. Name(s) and email address(es) of the author(s)
3. Key words are between 3 and 5 words and are written beneath the abstract title
4. Abstract is relevant to one of the Sub-themes
5. Word count of the abstract does not exceed 300 words, formatted in Microsoft Word, single-line spaced, and written in Times New Roman size 12 (12 points)
6. Abstract is written in clear and accurate language.
7. References are not required but must be included in the word count (if used) 

The abstract should follow the following format:
a. Purpose of the paper
b. Research objectives and or research questions/hypothesis
c. Summary of the methodology
d. Key findings
e. Recommendations
All abstracts should be sent as attachment to 

Deadline for Submission of Abstract: 31st July, 2024 
Colloquium Dates: 28th to 30th Oct, 2024 


More information found here